Life is Too Short

Life is too short
To think and live,
Till you understand it
It's time to leave!

Life is too short
To have an affair,
I don't know why
People still like to dare!

Life is too short
Just a poem or better a haiku,
Till you read through
It's a call for you!

Life is too short
Quotes and sayings - just won't work,
More than the thoughts
Your actions have the worth!

Life is too short
To find the right way,
When you are almost done,
It's an end of the day!

Life is too short
To make a global change,
You start from self and
It's you again at the other end!

Life is too short
Spend it sincerely or cool,
Either ways you do,
You can't live it full!

Life is too short
But lines here spreading along,
It just started as a haiku
But now, it's almost my next popular song!

By Suhrud Potdar

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